Parts used - Dried flowers
Common Uses
Internal Uses
Inflammatory bowel conditions
Anxiety and stress
Poor appetite & indigestion
Irritable bowel
Infant colic
External Uses
Eczema, skin irritations, insect bites, poison ivy & poison oak rashes, and other inflammatory skin conditions.
Mouthwash for irritations and minor infections of the mouth and gums such, e.g. canker sores & gingivitis
Eye wash for conjunctivitis & strained eyes
How Chamomile works
Chamomile has anti-inflammatory and antispasmodic properties, both of which are very useful when treating a problem of the gastrointestinal tract.
When applied topically it has anti-inflammatory properties, promotes wound healing and also acts as a mild antibacterial.
Side effects
Although rare, a few cases of allergic reactions to Chamomile have been reported. For this reason people with allergies to plants in the Asteraceae family - ragweed, chrysanthemums, asters, etc.; - should not use Chamomile.
Safety Issues
There are no contraindications to the use of dried Chamomile while pregnant or lactating. However do not use the essential oil during pregnancy as it is a uterine stimulant.
There are no known interactions with commonly prescribed drugs
History of Chamomile
The Ancient Greeks gave Chamomile it's name, which means "Ground Apple" because of its apple scent.
It has been used for medicinal purposes since the time of the Egyptian Pharos, when it was dedicated to the sun god Ra for it's ability to treat fever caused by malaria. The Saxons named Chamomile as one of their nine sacred herbs. They used it to treat stomach complaints and as a calming remedy.
In the Middle Ages Chamomile; was scattered in the hallways of castles and houses to keep away disease - and to mask unpleasant smells.
As the years passed Chamomile's popularity continued to grow, until in Germany in 1987 it was named "plant of the year".
Today in Europe the Chamomile industry is huge. It is sold in many different forms - dried and in liquid for internal use, and for external use it can be found in ointments, creams, cosmetics, bath products and hair dyes.
The Germans have used the phrase "alles zutraut" to describe Chamomile. This means "capable of anything" - a title that this sweet smelling ground plant well deserves.
Disclaimer: The information presented is for information purposes only. It is based on scientific studies or traditional usage. Consult a health care professional before using supplements or making any changes in prescribed medications. Information and statements regarding dietary supplements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration and are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease